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Why Mindfulness?


Mindfulness meditation is a way of paying attention to, and seeing clearly whatever is happening in our lives. It helps to reduce stress as well as to develop more focus and mental clarity. It has a beneficial effect on our working practices and relationships.


What Is It?


Combining non-religious meditation, breathing techniques, paying attention to the present moment, as well as developing positive thinking and clarity of mind, mindfulness helps people change the way they think, feel and act.


How Can Mindfuless Help You?


Meditation and mindfulness can help bring about a natural sense of peace and well-being that can extend to every aspect of our lives. People who meditate regularly tend to sleep better, handle the ups and downs of daily life with more clarity and ease and relate to others with more compassion and warmth.

At the heart of it, meditation is simply the practice of paying attention to what we are doing while we are doing it, whatever this may be. In the Buddhist tradition, this type of attention is called mindfulness.


To find out more, why not come and try one of our classes?

Kagyu Samye Dzong

Londesborough Lodge, The Crescent, Scarborough, YO11 2PW

(01723) 861642


Yorkshire Kagyu Samye Dzong is part of Rokpa Trust ~ Registered charity number 1059293

2015 Samye Ling, Scotland

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